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Craft a Killer Content Brief (Free Template Included)

If content marketing fuels your business growth, or you are considering using it as a marketing channel, you should have a concrete content creation system.

This will make the entire process of content creation smoother and faster.

Although many key components run the content creation system, however, in this article, I will specifically address setting content brief & share my content brief template with you.

What is Content Brief?

A content brief is a document that is used to convey key information, desired goals, and context to content writers on which basis they start creating content.

Though it’s generally used to convey to other writers what you want from your content, if you like me and write content on your own, a content brief comes in handy before you start diving into a project.

It gives eagle eyes to what you have to do next and lets you collaborate better with other team members. 

Keep in mind content brief doesn’t mean writing content outlines. 

If you are doing that, then you are building your content structure. The goal of a content brief is to explain the overall point to content writers.

Think of it as ordering coffee from a barista; all you need to tell them is what flavor and type of coffee you want. But you won’t need to tell them every single ingredient or start making it yourself.

Unless, of course, you are a coffee nerd 😀 or Howard Schultz (founder of Starbucks).

With that said, let’s straightway dive into what to include in a content brief template & how you can take out most out of it.

Or, if you prefer, you can jump straight and download or copy my content brief template, which has helped me to create hundreds of pieces of content for myself & my clients (it’s just a simple Google Doc link).

Who would need content brief?

Doesn’t matter if you are creating content yourself or getting someone else to create it for you. You would need a content brief.

Though the template I am sharing is best for content writers, however, with a little tweak, it can come in handy for Social media marketers, Video marketers, or anyone who deals with content.

Essential Components for a Content Brief Template

Though most briefs mention the below-mentioned components, but you can easily customize it on the basis of your requirements. 

This brief template is not focused on SEO. 

1) Write a working title

Here, you don’t have to write a perfect headline. Instead, you have to write a working title that conveys the core idea of your content.

2) Explain The goal

Mention what is the main goal that you want to achieve from the content. Like do you want to persuade the reader to take action, or do you want to use your content to generate buzz?

3) Describe your target audience

What are you and how are you writing for has no significance if they are not intended for the target audience. 

And it’s natural if you are running a business or part of the industry for a long time, you would know the target audience better than a content writer.

Even though a content writer can have experience writing for your industry, insights on what perception you want to change and details on your target audience can help them to write better content. 

Remember content writer’s job is to make something that your target audience will enjoy, not something you or your cat will enjoy.

4) Topic that you want to include

Mention what is the main message that you want to convey along with other subtopics that support the main message.

Add what and how many H2 and H3 will be on your content. Refer to important links that you think should be in the content. 

5) Add suggestions that you think might make the content unique

To make your content stand out, you would need to make it unique. And if you have any suggestions, do add them to the brief.

6) Add other Important Details

Though above mentioned is the key information that you have to convey, you can also share details on the following;

  • Article deadline
  • Target keyword/Focused keywords
  • Technical Level
  • Content type
  • Assets to deliver
  • Desired outcome
  • Search intent
  • Estimated word count
  • Brand voice and tone or any style guide
  • Call to action

Phew, that’s a lot of information, isn’t it? But trust me, as soon as you start using content brief before creating content for yourself or your client, you will realize how smooth and simple your content creation has become.

However, bear in mind that your content brief shouldn’t limit creativity or imagination. In your content brief template, there should always be room for flexibility.

Plus, good content briefs get the work done with much more efficiency, which means a positive bottom line and, on a human level, make your content writers happy (and maybe they will start liking you again 😀).

What is something that you think is missing from my content? And do share what other element you add to your content brief template.

Download My Content Brief Template

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